Wanna Hang Out?

Because how cute is he?
It's been a few weeks since we last heard from one another. To say that life in Haiti has been a little bit hectic, would be an understatement. Between school, English, meetings, people making various trips, and overall life, we seem to be meeting ourselves coming and going. 

So, today, I have a short update about all the things happening as well as some exciting news! 


School has been rolling since August 1, but it's been filled with many four day weeks due to our schedule and things coming up. We're finally starting to (sort-of) get back into a five day swing. The kids are off to a great start. They've already finished their first piece of writing and are headed into persuasive writing now. We are learning more in-depth about poetry and geography this year and are making plans for our economic unit. 

Micah working on Biology
Micah has faced the weight of a high-school work load this year as well as the struggles that come with technology. (Our Biology videos haven't been working, but we almost have that problem completely resolved!) He is, however, excited about getting to dissect some stuff this year (Gross!) and has a positive attitude with geometry and trying to figure out problems! 

Chloe and Jude are taking reading further in-depth this year than every before and Jude is becoming a master mathematician. Chloe is really excited about her science curriculum and can't wait to get into some of our experiments and demonstrations. (Thanks to all who donated!!) 


Personally, I worked through a dark place. See my previous blog post here! I'm happy to report that I am back on track and feeling rejuvenated.

In English, we are a little less than halfway through our next level. It's so exciting to see the confidence my students are starting to have. We had a team visit in August that visited our class. My students got to partner with a Native English speaker and just go to town practicing. Everyone had a blast and I was proud to see how far they've come!

Before Haitian school started, I was able to lead a small professional development for a school directed by one of my American friends. It was so much fun to share and model some more hands-on approaches to learning. The teachers were just like kids when we were playing (very educational) games! Hands-on is pretty much the opposite of the philosophy of education here in Haiti. Many are making small steps to turn that around!

My new favorite picture of us!
Wood and I have, of course, been spending lots of time together. We kind of got a little bit spoiled this summer seeing each other nearly everyday. His teaching school year has started again. He also applied for a visitor's visa again in hopes of visiting America with me over Thanksgiving. He unfortunately was not granted a visa. :( We are disappointed, but have faith that God's plan will show itself and everything will all make sense. We continue to grow in our relationship and talk about the future.  :) 


Within Hope Community Project, our directors, Luke and Julie, have been busy, busy, busy with all sorts of meetings. They have meetings about land. (We purchased land are in the planning phases to begin construction.) They have meetings about paperwork. (So many process require paperwork here and it's an uphill battle. They have paperwork for Moses' adoption, land, foundation applications, and so much more!) They have meetings with our cooperative. The cooperative is in the midst of literacy classes and other planning and training meetings. They are getting closer to launching their business. 

Needless to say...we have a lot going on. 


But here's the good news...

I'll be stateside in November and I want to see you!!!

It's been a little over three years since moving to Haiti and I haven't seen many of you in that time. I'm hosting two open houses while I'm home -- one in Kansas City and one in Jefferson City. We will eat Haitian snacks. I will have some Haitian goodies for sale and I will make a formal presentation to give you a deeper look inside of what I'm doing than what I've shared with you now. I hope to see you there. You can find the events listed on Facebook and down below. If you're not on Facebook, shoot me an email to let me know if I'll be seeing you!! 

Here's even more good news....
Because we all know a coffee drinker.
Preorder this cute sign for only $15.
Christmas shopping: Check.

You can pre-order some of my Haitian goodies that I will have for sale. I want to make sure that you get what you want. So, for the next 15 days, you can pre-order what you want! Click on this link to see pictures of what you can choose from. Then, simply email or Facebook message me what you would like!! 

I have a feeling that October is going to fly by! I better not blink too quickly.

See you soon!

Open House Details:

Kansas City - November 20, 2018
18609 E. 25th Terrace Ct. S.
Independence, MO 64057
6 pm - 8 pm.
I will speak at 6:30 pm.

Jefferson City - November 27, 2018
Concord Baptist Church - Fellowship Hall
3724 W. Truman Blvd. 
Jefferson City, MO 65109
6 pm - 8 pm
I will speak at 6:30 pm.

Just a sample of the beautiful hand crafted
ornaments you can pre-order. Only $10!
Preorder Haitian goodies here: 


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