Hitting (RESET)

Celebrated two years in Haiti
at the beach.
This post has taken me a little bit to figure out. I've had many thoughts and emotions over the last several weeks; lots of ideas about what I wanted to be able to include, but I just wasn't in the place that I could write it yet. I've known the title for a while, but didn't feel reset. I finally got there -- with a little help from my friends and a whole lotta help from Jesus. 

I've been sitting in what I will call a dark place for the last month. This summer has been hard. 


These are the words that have plagued me and I struggled to find my way out of them. The idea of 'resetting' was in the back of my mind, but that required energy and work -- energy I didn't have and work I honestly didn't really care to do. I knew I had neglected the things that make all of those feelings and emotions go away. My quiet time with the Lord in His Word was sporadic, I was relying on myself, and I wasn't fully trusting in God's power and might. Through it all I could feel the Holy Spirit quietly urging my heart -- putting things in my path pointing me back to Jesus. 

Wood's sister had a baby! She's so precious!
A combination of things finally hit the reset button for me. I was scrolling through Instagram and one  of my friends had shared a picture of a tracker of her time in God's Word -- a visual of accountability. Her caption referenced that the blank spots where she hadn't spent time in the Word correlated to her reaction of things. I really loved the idea of a visual tracker. (I'm kind of a planner and organizer so I love things like that!) 

Then, Wood and I were talking about studying the Bible and devotions and I had to admit that my time hadn't been very consistent. (I wish I could put the huge eye emoji here because I was FAR from proud of my answer.) Something that we have talked about before was studying a book of the Bible together. 

[Can you hear the quiet urgings getting louder, because I can!]

So we decided that we were going to start with 1 John. 

Y'all can we talk about a couple of things? GOD IS SO GOOD. SO good. My heart is busting out of the darkness. As I was reading, studying, journaling, and reflecting I was reminded of some things:

  • God is the source of our JOY. We don't really have it without him. 
  • He's also the source of successful relationships. If we aren't in fellowship with Him, we can't fully experience fellowship with others. (No wonder so many of my relationships seem to be struggling right now. 1 John 1:7 clarifies that up a little bit.) 
  • We have to get out of the dark. God is light. We can't be truly following Him in the dark. 
  • God SEEKS AFTER US. He sought after ME. I was reminded of the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15. The shepherd goes after the one sheep that was walking astray while leaving the rest of the flock. 
    • I've been wandering or complacent or lazy or whatever adjective you want to use...but did God just leave me behind? NOPE. He's been quietly urging and seeking after me to pull me back in. Because He loves us and thinks that we are WORTH it. Talk about feeling overwhelmed...in a good way this time...overwhelmed with God's love for me. 
I feel so ENCOURAGED right now. The road has been rough, things haven't gone how I wanted, everything that could have gone wrong seemed to, but God is faithful. He never walked away from me and He never will. I still have some things to work through, but I finally feel like I'm ready to get up and get with the program. 

I don't share this for you to pity me or to feel bad or to worry, but rather to show you that it's okay if you feel like you don't have it all together. I sure don't all of the time. God's willing to chase after you too! We're human...we drift and flow, but God's always there with us no matter where we sit.

Need a reset? It's refreshing! 
Listen to the quiet urgings. They are there for a reason. Follow them. 

Love you friends!

Things that are normal for me, but not for you...
> Starting school August 1 to make sure that we get finished with the school year by summer because we have numerous interruptions throughout the year. 
> Using your car horn more in one trip out on the road than the entire life of your car in America (ps I bought a car!!) 

In case you're interested... 
I'm still working to raise money for my third year here in Haiti. I lack about $7,000. If you feel compelled to donate to my time you can do so online at: 

or you can send a check payable to Hope Community Project to:

Attn: Lauren Jones
135 West Adams Ave.
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Make sure to put "Caitlin Campbell" in the memo line so it gets to the right place.
Any donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated. My life is made possible by your prayers and support.


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