COVID-19 ... What do we do?

With the Caribbean Sea sitting between me and the rest of the world, I've sat and watched. 
I've watched the pandemonium spread across countries.
I've watched posts on social media become more and more frantic.
I've watched news of stores running out of things like toilet paper and hand sanitizer.
I've watched while some make jokes to lighten the mood and sometimes disregarding the true concerns in front of us. 
I listen to those around me as they all think that the coronavirus is just a joke and laughing at the rest of the world's response. 
I've watched and I've prayed and I have many things weighing on my mind. 

I 100% understand, more like 1000%, being concerned about the fact that you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or even months from now. 

Haiti gets it. 

It's been really interesting to me as I've watched the parallels between the world being concerned and sometimes ignorant about coronoavirus and the people of Haiti being concerned in the midst of political instability and unrest. 

Businesses closing.
Social events canceled.
Schools shut down.
Basic necessities no where to be found.
Fear of the unknown.

Guess what? None of this is a surprise to God. Not one single bit of it. 
He wasn't surprised when Haiti entered into a long season of unrest and a country on lockdown. 
He wasn't surprised when COVID-19 was discovered.
He wasn't surprised by anyone's reaction to either situation.

Guess what again? He's got it all under control. 

Will corona affect every single person on this earth? Maybe in some way -- even if you don't contract it.
Will being sensibly cautious prevent the virus entirely? No, but we can reasonably protect what God has given us. Being smart about where you go, when you go and who you're interacting with is simply a kind consideration given current circumstances.
Is a lockdown or a quarantine going to kill you? Most definitely not. Use this time to lean into bonding with your family. Keeping up with routines as much as possible, spend time together, play games, read the Bible, find a new worship song to learn. 

The other thing stirring in my heart the last few days has also been a deep gratefulness for the blessings of the Lord. Many of the emotions that I faced during Haiti's lockdown come rushing to the surface as I empathize with those feeling a little bit lost in the chaos. But I can look back and see how leaning into the Lord during those difficult unknowns, brought me closer to Him. He's the only way that I made it through.

I look back and I'm thankful for the resilience that I can now see God has given me and how He's given double portions to the Haitian people to deal with difficulty.  I know that you, too, can find that resilience inside of you. 

I'm thankful that there have yet to be any confirmed cases on our half of the island. I'm hopeful that it stays that way, but prepared to share and educate those around me if it doesn't. 

Corona is a big deal. Whether we want to admit it or not. It's going to have trickling effects for months and potentially years to come....but letting our anxieties get the best of us accomplishes nothing except projecting the problem further. 

Take a deep breath. Wash your hands. Maintain a responsible distance from others. Say a prayer of thanks for the electricity, internet and hot water you have while you're stuck inside. Turn your eyes on Jesus. HE HAS THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS. 

I'm selling t-shirts for a few more days.
It says "We wake up tomorrow in Your Hands, Lord."
Order here

Started a side business selling cakes.
This is just one of them. 

Birthday dinner with #TeamJeudi.

My niece. Isn't she cute?

One of our nurses working diligently in our clinic.

The kids learned how to make pate at Kid's Program. 

I'm hopeful that I will still be able to make my planned trip home at the end of March so I can see all of you on April 5 at Concord Baptist Church in Jefferson City, MO. Let me know if you need more information.


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