
Showing posts from August, 2018

Hitting (RESET)

Celebrated two years in Haiti at the beach. This post has taken me a little bit to figure out. I've had many thoughts and emotions over the last several weeks; lots of ideas about what I wanted to be able to include, but I just wasn't in the place that I could write it yet. I've known the title for a while, but didn't feel reset. I finally got there -- with a little help from my friends and a whole lotta help from Jesus.  I've been sitting in what I will call a dark place for the last month. This summer has been hard.  EXHAUSTED. LAZY. HOMESICK. LONELY. UNCOMFORTABLE. OVERWHELMED. NEGATIVITY. STUCK.   These are the words that have plagued me and I struggled to find my way out of them. The idea of 'resetting' was in the back of my mind, but that required energy and work -- energy I didn't have and work I honestly didn't really care to do. I knew I had neglected the things that make all of those feelings and emotions go away. My quiet tim...