Cheers to Year Three!

If you've been reading my blog posts, chances are none of you will be surprised to hear that I'm staying for another year (at least) in Haiti! Read my recent update letter to get caught up on my work and my plans for the future....

Friends, Family, and Followers...

It’s crazy to think that just over two years ago, I made the decision to move to Haiti and serve as a homeschool teacher. The last two years have been an adventure to say the least, and I just know that there’s more to come. In case you hadn’t guessed it…I’m staying in Haiti another year!

This last school year has been filled with lots of learning, growth, projects, and fun. I was able to spice up the curriculum a little bit (perks of being the teacher and the principal and the superintendent and the curriculum director all in one!) this year. We had food competitions for writing, we studied different countries, and had a legitimate food truck (well, bus) to learn about economics. The kids continue to blow my mind with their level of reading and willingness to work hard and learn. I know that next year I’m going to have to really step up my game to match our projects from this year!

This year has also been filled with me branching out a little bit and starting to get my Haitian wings. I’ve really gotten into my English class. I took several months to break and revamp to find something that worked for me and was beneficial for my students. I ordered workbooks to go along with an actual curriculum instead of just making it up. (English is WAY too complicated for making it up yourself!) My students pay a small monthly fee to go towards their workbook and to help preserve their dignity about being enrolled in a formal class.

I’ve had about 7 faithful students (we started with about 20) that have really been putting in work. They do their homework assignments, they take notes during class, and they are starting to ask me questions like “Can I say….?” It’s so amazing to watch them apply the grammar skills that I’ve been teaching to form their own sentences — not just the ones we practice in class. We’re taking a break for the summer and we will pick back up with the next book in August or September.

Getting my wings also looks like me building relationships with others in my community, both Haitian and American. I’ve started attending a Baptist Haitian church each week. I attend Sunday School (and get called on….can I say, “intimidating!!!”) and have boosted my Creole comprehension up quite a bit. My creole is pretty good (at least that’s what the Haitians tell me) and I can understand most of what I hear, at least when they talk at a speed I can understand! My verbal skills are getting there and I’m learning new things every day!

Spiritually, Satan is always at work trying to bring us down as Christians, but I’ve been able to see God’s faithfulness and trust in His plan and timing for things. God is at work all around in my daily life as His purpose and plan shine through when I’m focused on Him. He’s at work in our ministry as we are looking to get construction started on the land we have purchased and partner with another organization to grow our economic development goals. You can read about all of our ministry things on our website -- God is all around!

I’ve been so blessed by God’s orchestration of my living here in Haiti (sometimes I still can’t believe that this is my real life) and I know that He has many more things to show me and to teach me. My first request would be that you support me in prayer. Life in Haiti is far from a cakewalk (though sometimes I do bake cake) and the struggle is very real. Homesickness, loneliness, cultural differences, and overwhelmed emotions start to wiggle their way in at times. Through all of those things I know that I’m right where I’m supposed to be. So please, pray for me as I walk the road that God has laid before me.

My second request would be that you consider supporting me financially. Many of you already do, and I’m beyond grateful for the generous people God has placed in my life. I have expenses such as rent, food, transportation, medical insurance, a small monthly salary to cover personal needs, and English class (the student’s small fee doesn’t quite cover the total cost of their books) that add up. My goal is to raise another $17,000 to cover my expenses while I’m on the ground here in Haiti. If you would like to donate you can donate online at or you can mail a check to the address listed below. Please make sure to mark “Caitlin Campbell” in the memo line. All financial gifts are tax deductible.

I also write a monthly blog post that you can find here if you aren’t already keeping up with my Haitian life!                
If you are interested in receiving an email with the link each month, please email me at

Thank you so much for your support both prayerfully and financially. I could not live my Haitian life without it!


Please make checks payable to Hope Community Project and mark Caitlin Campbell in the memo line. You can send your checks to:

Hope Community Project
ATTN: Lauren Jones
135 W. Adams Ave.
Kirkwood, MO 63122


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