
Showing posts from May, 2018

Cheers to Year Three!

If you've been reading my blog posts, chances are none of you will be surprised to hear that I'm staying for another year (at least) in Haiti! Read my recent update letter to get caught up on my work and my plans for the future.... Friends, Family, and Followers... It’s crazy to think that just over two years ago, I made the decision to move to Haiti and serve as a homeschool teacher. The last two years have been an adventure to say the least, and I just know that there’s more to come. In case you hadn’t guessed it…I’m staying in Haiti another year! This last school year has been filled with lots of learning, growth, projects, and fun. I was able to spice up the curriculum a little bit (perks of being the teacher and the principal and the superintendent and the curriculum director all in one!) this year. We had food competitions for writing, we studied different countries, and had a legitimate food truck (well, bus) to learn about economics. The kids continue to bl...