Freedom in the Yes

Isn't he the cutest? Don't mind the mouth
full of food...he was SOOO happy this
particular morning and was laughing at
I know it's been a little bit over a month since I got a new post out. It's been quite hectic around here lately. We have a lot of new and exciting things going on around Hope Community Project. Click here to read more about the three big things that we have going on as an organization. 

In my own personal life, God continues to be at work shaping, molding, and stretching me. For the last several months I have felt like I've had almost a "driving" word for the month and this month is no different. September and October have been filled with GRACE and PATIENCE. 

God continues to put me in situations where I'm learning how to handle raw, real emotions in the face of conflict, homesickness, and new endeavors. The struggle is real, but God is present. I know I've said it before, but there is so much beauty in the growth that I'm experiencing. 

>>This is another shameless plug for a book that I've read that has given me insight over the last few months. Unglued by Lysa TerKeurst. It's good stuff and if you find yourself in the midst of conflict or a really raw and emotional time in your life, I highly recommend it!<<
I've been dabbing in a little bit of word art
for a friend's business. 

A rollercoaster of emotions is the simplest way to describe the last two months. What I really want to focus on is the place that I sit right now. The word that comes to my mind is YES. With that word comes faith and trust. A few years ago, I was on a World Changers trip to Joplin, MO. Each night we would attend a worship service and the speaker that year focused on a phrase time and time again. "Let your yes be yes." He talked about how that when we agree to follow God and get on board with His will and His plan, we have to give it ALL. Not part -- ALL. "Let your yes be yes." God wants us all in. Not room temperature. Not warmish. Not melting. HOT. Blazing -- all for Him. That's a lot to agree to. That's a lot of control for this Type-A, likes to be in charge, independent woman female to give up. 

These two ladies have become
dear friends over the last several
months. We meet each week for
prayer and worship.
My dad, brother and many other extended family members were on this trip and my dad has continued to bring up the phrase "let your yes be yes" over and over. It's a phrase that has not gone away. Years ago when I first heard that phrase, I understood what it meant. I knew what I had to give up, but so often it was scenarios of "Okay God, I'm giving you this...BUT...," "Okay God, You can have this, but I'm keeping that..." Letting your yes be yes is much easier said that done. Especially when it's so easy to try and bargain or barter with God for our fleshly desires. For years I've struggled with the idea of what that really looks like. Y''s a place of freedom. When you let your yes be yes and you hand it all over to God, truly hand it over, it's like a weight is lifted off your shoulders. The worry, the shame, the unknown, the lack of confidence, the confusion -- it's all turned into peace. God has it all under control. His plan is better than my plan. His way is better than my way. 

I've had moments in the last month where I've been really confused and not understood what was happening. I've had my character questioned. I've been hurt. BUT, God is mighty. While all of these things are not resolved...God has a plan. God will use this. God has used this. He's got it. I don't have to worry. I just have to be willing to stand by Him and continue to do all things to the glory of God. 

Let my yes be yes.

I have no idea what my future holds. I don't know what my life looks like five years from now. I don't know what my life looks like one year from now. That's okay, I don't have to know. As long as I'm seeking God and what He's all going to work out. Sure, that's a really scary thought. Unexpected events lead to places you never dreamed of being. Places far better than you could have planned for yourself. But if your yes is yes, then it's all going to work out. 

Let your yes be yes.
Sometimes Chloe and I hang out to do
girly things like hair and watch
Food Network shows!

"But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony. Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer. For I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist." Luke 21:13-15

It's okay if we don't know what to say, what to do, or what choice to make. When we let our yes be yes, God gives us what we need when we need it. He speaks for us. He guides our heart. He opens the right doors and closes the wrong ones. 

Let our yes be yes. 

Join me dear friends. Let go. Give it up. All in the name of the Lord. Pass your life wholly, completely to Him. The blessings are more than you can imagine. 

With Love,

Normal for me, but not for you...
I haven't had one of these in a while. (Sometimes I forget what's not really "normal" because it's my normal now.) I heard this one tonight and I'm sure it will give you a giggle...

Creole Fridge: The body of a fridge wired up to an old wall unit air conditioner to run like a fridge. 

Oh....I also drove a moto for the first time! One of my friends took me out to teach me. I don't have a picture...but I promise I really drove it! [I was a little occupied trying to balance and drive to take a picture ;)]

Science experiment fun --
Build a catapult and launch a gummy bear.


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