"well, you know there was a time change"

Chloe and I made pita bread for one of her school projects. 
If I had a Haitian dollar for every time I have said, "Haiti should never observe daylight savings time," I would have a lot of Haitian dollars.

If I had a Haitian dollar for every time a Haitian said, "well, you know there was a time change right?" I would have even more Haitian dollars.

In years past, Haiti has not observed Daylight Savings Time, and now we know why. It messes everything up! Trust me, you thought that the time change was terrible in America because you lose and hour or you gain an hour...that doesn't have anything on a time change in Haiti. Things have consistently run an hour behind because most Haitians rise and set with the sun. That's a lot of how they base their day -- the daylight. Even though Haitian phone services changed the time automatically and people have reset their watches, our bodies are still conditioned for the time we've been on for years. It's been interesting and funny to watch play out...and in the meantime, we just blame everything on the time change!
Holden as been a trooper and learned how to crochet 
for Chloe's functional writing. He gives better feedback
because I can crochet.

With the time change, also came several other changes.

Change #1 - My roommate moved out and a new one moved in.
This change is weird because you get used to seeing someone everyday. They are always around. It doesn't take a lot to make your friendship "work" because you don't have to plan as much as when you don't live with your friend. So, this will be a transition as Katie starts her new role somewhere else and we have to find the balance for hanging out and doing things now that we aren't always together! (Don't worry...my new roommate is great too!) With this change, also brings some new routines. My new roommate and I will begin cooking dinner for ourselves a few nights a week (which means I get the real Haitian experience of going to the market to buy things for meals) and we've set our house up to feel a little more homey. (Our running joke is that our house is becoming a home.) Some of this led to change #2...

Jude and I had a day of fun together when our
last team was here.
Change #2 - English class is officially out of my living room!
Because our house is becoming more of an actual living space, we couldn't continue to have English here. Besides, I was running out of room! (The other day I counted 40 people! There wasn't a chair or floor space left to sit on!) So, we have officially formalized English a little bit. There was a sign up sheet for people who were serious about coming and learning and I also split my group into two classes. I have a beginner and intermediate class now.  We are now meeting in our medical clinic's waiting area where we have a little bit more space! This change has been great because it allows me to know exactly who should be coming and I can better plan that way. It's crazy how this has all exploded! We've had to turn people away and tell them that my class is full and to check back in the summer when I will start a new class. I continue to pray for how the Lord will use it to grow relationships and their knowledge of Him.

While change is hard, I'm excited for the opportunities that these transitions will bring. The Lord is faithful and has the best big picture plan in store. My prayer is that we're tuning in to seek it!

Pray for our transitions as everyone is looking to find the new balance. Pray that our communication would be clear and open and that we would find our new routines!

With love,

We visited a place called Ti Rivier (Little River)

Not normal for me or for you! (Special Edition)
Yes, you read that right.
We've had some little pests decide to take up residence in our kitchen. Good news is, our houses are made of concrete, so there are very few things they can destroy. Bad news is...TERMITES! Those boogers don't die! We've tried numerous things to keep them at bay, and they keep showing up. We're trying a couple more things now, but just keep tearing down their tunnels until they decide to go elsewhere!


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