A Story of Wisdom and Lockdown Number I Don't Even Know Anymore
What a time to be living in our world. In all of my short 28 years, there's never been anything quite like it. Sure, there's been some epidemics passed around that I can remember -- Ebola, West Nile, H1N1, but NOTHING that has gotten literally almost the whole world on lockdown....or sort of lockdown anyway. If you read my previous blog post , or any number of my other posts, then you know that unfortunately, Haiti is absolutely no stranger to being on lockdown or quarantine. They've come at different times, some short and some long. They've been been caused for different reasons, most of them surrounded by political unrest and instability. In the month of February, things were finally starting to get back to the closest thing to "normal" that Haiti has seen in close to five or six months. We were finally closing out the longest "lockdown" in the near four years that I've lived here. In reality, Haiti has suffered a rough year and half. So,...