
Showing posts from October, 2019

Saying Goodbye

Grandpa Wally Campbell The last six weeks have been a whirlwind of my time. I've had the intention of sitting to write this post for about 2 weeks, but simply haven't had the time. I think it's because God was doing work behind the scenes and redeeming a few situations and helping me to get my head right, so I can hopefully encourage others. In the last 2 weeks I have said goodbye to a lot of things. Saying Goodbye to Grandpa  The world lost a great man on October 2. This is made much easier knowing that he is knowing walking on streets of gold with Jesus. I had the blessing of being able to travel back from Haiti to see him before he passed and spend the following week with friends and family. ((It was an adventure to get there -- see my plane picture, but so glad that I could make the trip.)) My brother wrote a BEAUTIFUL tribute of our grandpa. You can read it here . Yes, they are PUSHING the plane after a flat tire.  Saying Goodbye to Comfort For those ...