
Showing posts from November, 2016

Social Life: Haitian Style

Katie, Holden and I. I'm thankful each and everyday for them being here to do life with me.  Well, it's been a while since I posted, but in my defense we've had a LOT of things going on. The end of October and beginning of November have been filled with many things and our lives aren't looking to slow down anytime soon. Post Hurricane Matthew, we got back into our daily routine, but we've had many social events come up. What does one's social calendar look like in Haiti? Let me fill you in our our most recent adventures. October closed with a Halloween celebration. In Haiti, they celebrate the Day of the Dead rather than Halloween. However, the blancs (all the Americans here in town) wanted a reason to dress up. So, naturally we had a get together. This meant a three hour trip to the market in search of the most outrageous costume you could put together and a lot of yummy food. Katie, Holden and I searched the market high and low for the best costumes. I...